Men's hats

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Men's Hats

Among the most used accessories are men's hats, worn at any age for style needs and to protect against the cold. Depending on the model chosen, they give a casual or more elegant look, this depends on the combination with the rest of the outfit. A trend that has developed in recent decades, especially followed by boys, is to wear the hat even indoors without jackets and bombers but only with a sweatshirt: the rules of bon ton would not allow it!

Each hat model is suitable for a face shape, and it is appropriate to choose it, keeping in mind such advice.

  • Oval face: the cheekbones are more prominent than the forehead and chin, it has balanced lines and can wear all models, avoid those that have a smaller crown than the cheekbones.
  • Square face: strong jaw of the same width as cheekbones and forehead. Prefer the bowler hat or fabric caps.
  • Round face: the contour recalls a circle, to break this line, choose asymmetrical shapes, wide hats with a crown not too high.
  • Heart-shaped face: wide forehead and thin chin. The suitable model has a narrow brim and angular lines that give more volume to the lower part.
  • Long face: narrow on the sides and developed in length. Wear flat-shaped ceremonial hats, soft caps with a wide brim.
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